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6 Hazards of the Spring Season

April 28, 2017

After a long winter, Peterborough West Animal Hospital is sure that you’re ready to get outside with your dog. While we couldn’t agree more, don’t overlook these 6 hazards of the season.

1. Ticks and Tick-borne Disease

Ticks are more than just creepy; they can spread a number of different diseases that affect both pets and people: Lyme disease, ehrlichiosis, and anaplasmosis are the 3 we at Peterborough West Animal Hospital test for. At Peterborough West Animal Hospital we use a “4Dx” test that includes all three of these tick-borne diseases as well as for heartworm. The best way to protect your pet is with preventative treatment. Call Peterborough West Animal Hospital for advice on which prevention is best for your pet. Remember it is important to test annually for Lyme disease.

2. Antifreeze

Antifreeze is extremely dangerous to pets because most types have a sweet smell and taste—dogs tend to dive right in and lap it up. Because of this, antifreeze poisoning is one of the most common forms of poisoning in pets. Fortunately, “pet-safer” types of antifreeze that are not as attractive to pets are available. When you come in to Peterborough West Animal Hospital, make sure to ask where you can sign the petition to only sell “pet friendly” antifreeze in Ontario.

Beware, antifreeze is not the only garage hazard.

3. Heartworm

Heartworm disease is transmitted by mosquitoes. It is a serious disease that primarily affects the heart and lungs, but can also affect the liver, kidney, eyes, and central nervous system; if left untreated, it can cause death. Fortunately, effective preventatives are available. At Peterborough West Animal Hospital, we recommend testing annually for heartworm! We carry the heartworm preventatives so be sure to call and book your appointment for this life saving test and to pick up the preventatives. Our Drs and team members will be happy to help you choose the preventatives that best suit your pet’s lifestyle.

4. Fertilizers and Mulch

According to the PetPoisonHelpline, most fertilizers contain a wide assortment of potentially toxic substances including iron and nitrogen. They could also have pesticides, fungicides, or herbicides. Even if the chemicals don’t poison your pet, large amounts of fertilizer could result in gastrointestinal or pancreatic problems.

If you suspect your pet got into any of these products please call Peterborough West Animal Hospital for help!

5. Metaldehyde (Slug Bait)

Snail bait represents a major risk for dogs and cats and is a more common source of poisoning than you may expect. Snail and slug bait products typically contain the poison metaldehyde, and they taste sweet to pets. It’s important that you know the symptoms of metaldehyde poisoning in case your pet is exposed. The symptoms may include:

The best way to protect your animals from metaldehyde poisoning is to keep all snail bait, insecticides, and solid camping fuel stored safely away from pets. If you feel you must use snail bait, use it sparingly and place it only in areas that are inaccessible to your pets. Since metaldehyde toxicity can be lethal and difficult to treat, we recommend pet parents avoid using metaldehyde-based snail bait.

If you suspect your pet was exposed to slug bait, please call us at Peterborough West Animal Hospital right away as this can be life threatening.

6. Bee Stings

Like people, some dogs can have an allergic reaction to bee stings, especially if stung by multiple bees. Talk to us at Peterborough West Animal Hospital about how you can keep your pup safe from bee stings, and what to do if your dog is stung. If your pet experiences frequent allergic reactions or skin issues, not just from bee stings but from other environmental factors as well, you may want to explore our Pet Allergies and Veterinary Dermatology services for comprehensive care.

While we’ve covered spring hazards here, it’s important to be aware of dangers in other seasons too. For information about potential risks to your pets in autumn, check out our article on “Fall Dangers to your pets #2“.

Contact us, your local animal hospital in Peterborough, ON!