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Overweight Pets Win by Losing…So Do their Owners

November 15, 2013

Peterborough West Animal Hospital brings you…..

Overweight Pets Win by Losing… So Do their Owners

Time for a change

When our pets are diagnosed as “overweight” by a veterinarian, we may say, “but they’re happy and healthy,” or “it’s too much trouble to lose weight.” Considering the health problems associated with excess weight, losing weight is clearly worth the effort. For example, overweight cats are at higher risk of developing diabetes. To learn more about this condition, read our article on Diabetes in Cats. Fortunately, there are ways to make weight loss attainable as well as humane.

The Loser Wins!

Since overweight pets are more prone to disease and thus shorter lives, it makes sense to assume that healthy weight pets have a better chance of living longer, healthier lives. Of course, like any positive lifestyle change, some sacrifices must be made, but once those pounds have been shed, your pet’s renewed agility; increased energy and improved quality of life will more than make up for the small sacrifices.

Ask us how Peterborough West Animal Hospital can help you and your pet. Our Vet Nutrition and Weight Management service offers personalized plans to help your pet achieve and maintain a healthy weight.