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New Years DON’TS for your Pet

January 19, 2018

Each New Year we’re inundated with lists of things to do, buy, and become. We read these lists, make promises to ourselves, and then promptly forget it ever happened by February. This year the Team at Peterborough West Animal Hospital would like to put their spin on the New Year’s resolutions by providing you a list of things you definitely don’t want to do, purchase or aspire to be more like.

It’s time for our New Year’s Don’ts for your pets.

1. Don’t buy junk food treats.

You know what I’m talking about. Those tiny calorie grenades are killing your pet. Ask one of the Peterborough West Animal Hospital’s team members for their recommendation for appropriate treats.

2. Don’t ignore pet food labels.

The most important decision you make for your pets each day is what you feed. Pet food labels are confusing and extremely hard to interpret. Please feel free to call and speak with one of the veterinarians or technicians regarding pet food label clarification. Our team members are continuously learning about pet food labels, pet foods and the science behind them – they have a wealth of knowledge they would love to share with you! Choose wisely. Your pet’s health depends on it.

3. Don’t make excuses to skip walks.

The veterinarians at Peterborough West Animal Hospital urge you not to skip your walks. You both benefit (exercise and bonding time) from them. Buy a coat, umbrella or even a pair of galoshes, but do your best to not miss your daily walks. You’ll both live longer and be healthier because of it.

4. Don’t put off your pet’s exam.

The team at Peterborough West Animal Hospital understands it’s that time of year when money can be tight but that little lump, cough or limp may be the start of something more serious. On the odd occasion when a pet has to wait we are left with simply too little time to help!

Adding to this; don’t go to the veterinarian only when your pet is sick. Peterborough West Animal Hospital’s veterinarians’ mission is to preserve health and prevent illness. Going to the veterinarian or physician should be an opportunity to learn how to stay healthier longer. Our aim is for each owner to leave their appointment with advice on how to improve their pet’s life. If we miss doing that please ask for it. Life is for living, not recovering. The team at Peterborough West Animal Hospital wants you to learn how to help your pet live an optimal life by working closely with our veterinary team on a regular basis. To schedule a comprehensive health check for your pet, consider our Veterinary Wellness & Pet Vaccinations service.

5. Don’t forget your dog’s heartworm and tick preventive.

Heartworm disease can be fatal to dogs. The medication used to treat dogs with a heartworm infection is costly, takes months to work, and carries potential health risks. Prevention medication is much more affordable and is much less likely to have any side effects. Never gamble with your dog’s heartworm protection. The stakes are too high. For more detailed information on this crucial topic, read our article on Protecting Your Dog From Heartworms.

Ticks also pose a threat to our pets. Ticks are increasing in numbers in our area and the veterinarians at Peterborough West Animal Hospital urge you to have your pet on tick protection each and every month the temperature is at or above 4⁰C (even if there is a little snow still on the ground). At Peterborough West Animal Hospital, we carry both flea and tick prevention. Please book your appointment for your dog’s Lyme disease and heartworm test and pick up your prevention medication (we carry both the topical and oral prevention). Let our veterinarians help you choose your pet’s best protection!

6. Don’t ignore that pesky behavior.

Little behavior problems turn into big troubles, quickly. If your dog is barking at passing cars, lunging on the leash, or jumping up on guests, make an appointment and talk to the veterinarians at Peterborough West Animal Hospital (that’s their job). If you intervene with behavior problems early, you can often correct them easily. Wait until your dog is biting the delivery man, and it may take a while to fix.

7. Don’t forget to hug your pet each day.

And be thankful for all you have this year. Take time each day to reflect on one thing you have, that you’re grateful for.

The team at Peterborough West Animal Hospital is thankful for the opportunity to share in the care of such wonderful pets and their owners.

If you have any questions or concerns, you should always visit or call Peterborough West Animal Hospital — we are your best resource to ensure the health and well-being of your pets.

Contact us, your local animal hospital in Peterborough, ON!