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Keeping Your Cat Healthy

February 1, 2021

February is National Cat Health Month! Cats are known for being easy to care for. There’s a good reason for this. Fluffy will clean herself, doesn’t need much training, and will discreetly use her litterbox. However, kitties are very small and fragile, and they need proper care to thrive. Before we dive into specific health tips, if you’re new to cat ownership or want a refresher on the basics, check out our article on “Cat Care 101: Fluffy’s Basic Needs“. A Peterborough, ON vet discusses keeping your feline friend healthy in this article.

Good Food

Good pet care starts with good food. Offer Fluffy the best brand you can afford. Also, try to avoid constantly switching her foods. Cats need time to adjust to changes in their diets. Your vet will be able to give you some tips on things like serving sizes, feeding times, and choosing brands.

Preventative Care

We know, fluffy may not be thrilled about visiting her doctor. (To be fair, many of our feline patients are more upset over the car ride than the actual appointment.) However, it’s important to take her to her vet regularly! Regular check-ups, vaccinations, and preventive treatments are crucial for maintaining your cat’s health. For more information about our comprehensive wellness services, including vaccinations and health screenings, visit our Veterinary Wellness & Pet Vaccinations page.


If your furry buddy hasn’t been fixed yet, you’ll want to make that appointment right away. While the biggest reason to have cats spayed or neutered is to prevent unwanted litters, it’s also beneficial for them physically. This will protect Fluffy from certain medical problems, such as ovarian cancer. (It will also help with some behavioral issues, but that’s another topic.)

Keep Kitty In

Keeping your kitty inside will protect her from weather, injuries, and many parasites. Fluffy will be much healthier as an indoor cat!


Stress and boredom may not seem like health issues, but they definitely take a toll on Fluffy’s health and well-being. Make sure your kitty has ways to amuse herself, especially when she’s alone. Toys, views, pet furniture, scratching posts, playtime, and, of course, cuddles will all help keep your feline overlord purring.

Weight Control

Is your furball becoming a butterball? If so, consult your vet right away. Those extra pounds are very bad for Fluffy’s health!


Our feline pals have an almost impressive knack for getting into trouble. To make your home safe for Fluffy, you’ll need to address potential hazards, such as toxic plants, plastic bags and ties, small or sharp items, and chemicals. Ask your vet for more information.

Please contact us with any questions or concerns about your cat’s health or care. As your local Cavan Monaghan, ON veterinary clinic, we’re here to help!